Our Healthcare Advance Directives Preference
What is a living will’s purpose, and does it serve that purpose well? In this article, we’ll explain living wills and why the reasons behind our healthcare advance directives preference.
What is a living will’s purpose, and does it serve that purpose well? In this article, we’ll explain living wills and why the reasons behind our healthcare advance directives preference.
If you haven’t reviewed your insurance coverage lately, you might find yourself out in the cold without enough to replace your home after a fire or storm. This article explains the need for updating homeowner’s insurance coverage and issues you might have overlooked.
In today’s digital age, managing your money through online accounts is not just convenient; it’s smart! Whether it’s shares of stock through CompuServe, life insurance policies, annuities, investments, or banking, going online makes it easier for you. Let’s break it down so you can see how easy and beneficial it can be. Why Should You […]
Did you know that Hoosiers can cause their money and property to pass after death to their family members through pay on death (POD) and transfer on death (TOD) arrangements? This Article explains POD and TOD ownership and the POD and TOD pitfalls and opportunities. POD and TOD Beneficiary Designations Indiana’s Transfer on Death Property […]
Does your name appear with someone on a bank or investment account? If so, you and the other people may be joint tenants with rights of survivorship (JTEN). Indiana law refers to people sharing a JTEN account as “parties.” This article discusses why people make JTEN accounts and some hidden JTEN headaches and heartaches. WHY […]
If you have paper US Savings bonds, it’s a smart move to convert to digital savings bonds. It makes managing your savings easier now and simplifies things for your family later.
Estate planning is an essential but complex process, encompassing various financial, legal, and personal decisions. Organizing records and information properly can make this process smoother and more efficient. This article offers tips and links to helpful checklists to prepare for estate planning.
Is children’s life insurance a smart investment for your family? As we previously wrote in the Hawkins Elder Law Blog (https://www.hawkinselderlaw.com/why-should-you-buy-insurance/), a life policy is an important safety net for some people. However, this article explains why life insurance for children may be a poor investment. Life Insurance Purpose and Investment Performance Life Insurance Purpose […]
Why buy insurance? What kinds of insurance do you need? This Article discusses homeowner’s, automobile, and life insurance and why you might need some. Homeowner’s Insurance Homeowner’s insurance protects homeowners against financial loss from damage to their property or liability claims made against them. The protection covers losses or damages caused by theft, fire, vandalism, […]
If you want Medicaid to cover things like expensive nursing home bills in Indiana, then you’ll need to show that you qualify.
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